
Feedback Mechanism


The Institution has created and formed a mechanism to obtain feedback, suggestions from Faculty, Students, and Stake holders to upgrade the syllabus relevant to present and new trend of fast changing academic inventions and concepts.

A feedback committee has been formed by the IQAC in which feedback forms are generated and the suggestions are obtained from Faculty, Students, Alumni, Parents and Employers. The feedback committee analyzes the feedback obtained from all and makes assessment of the same. It submits its recommendations for curriculum enrichment and up gradation to Principal and Board of Management for further action and to the University through university representatives and the members of Board of Studies.


Feedback forms are distributed to Students, Parents, Alumni, Employers and Faculty by members of feedback committee, duly filled forms are collected, analyzed, assessed and report submitted to principal who hands it over to the Management for further action. Feedback collected is kept as quite confidential.

Thus the college obtains feedback from Students, Parents, Alumni, Employees and experts. The suggestions and ideas communicated by them are received and suitable suggestions are implemented.